Tom Cridland Reveals Work On Star Studded New Stylistics Album, ‘Falling In Love With My Girl’

Tom Cridland sprung a few surprises on me, including his work on the upcoming Stylistics album, Falling Love With My Girl, coming October 11
Tom Cridland sprung a few surprises on me, including his work on the upcoming Stylistics album, Falling Love With My Girl, coming October 11
Bonci’s technique relies on traditional, analog and digital media to create impressionistic scenes filled with light and color.
British fashion designer turned potential superstar Tom Cridland wowed an enthusiastic standing room only-crowd at The Troubadour in West Hollywood last night, with a set of classic tunes and a surprise musical guest, with his act Tom’s Elton John Tribute.
The song is immediately catchy, with buzzy electric guitars, slightly laid back beat, and a soaring anthemic chorus and interesting chordal movement.
On the new album by Federale, Reverb And Seduction, heartfelt songwriting meets stylish sound making, in a satisfying ten track set that draws inspiration from classic country rock and European film soundtracks
The new album by Astari Nite, titled Resolution Of Happiness, is filled with wonderfully weird and sincere sentiments.
The Peawees, four guys from an Italian military town, deliver a sound that mixes the energy of vintage rock with spaghetti Western guitar themes and brilliant energy.