‘King Size:’ Italian Quartet Release Eclectic Rock ‘N Roll Set With Authentic Stylings

‘King Size’ is the eponymous album from this Venetian four-piece, featuring gritty guitars, blasting drums and bass, and catchy, melodic vocals.
‘King Size’ is the eponymous album from this Venetian four-piece, featuring gritty guitars, blasting drums and bass, and catchy, melodic vocals.
British fashion entrepreneur Tom Cridland’s success as a clothier is all the more impressive when one considers that he achieved much of it in between drunken episodes and sometimes during them.
Following his recent album ‘You’ve Been Unboxing Gilles Snowcat’ the naughty musical character just dived into his archive, to release four newly remastered versions of classic tunes.
Losing someone can be the most painful experience in our life journey. Focused on the interplay of grieving and eternity, “Wait For Me” is an uplifting song from Britain’s Karamelien.
Just in time for the two-week long celebration of the Lunar New Year 2023, this wonderful array of assorted rock and roll tunes has been multiplying like rabbits! Don’t let the darker nature of the songs get you down – it’s all theatre, with all of the drama and lessons that implies!
Pennies By The Pound are set to test the limits of popularity that a band located in Finland can achieve throughout the world.