Tiny Little Ice Cubes: Sweet, Romantic Chill With Gilles Snowcat

Snowcat’s new single “Tiny Little Ice Cubes” has all the elements of a classic tune, Snowcat style:.
Snowcat’s new single “Tiny Little Ice Cubes” has all the elements of a classic tune, Snowcat style:.
Kontradikshn, an electronic rock trio, have defied expectations with a live performance with the Glasbena Šola Symphonic Orchestra of Krško.
The Peawees, four guys from an Italian military town, deliver a sound that mixes the energy of vintage rock with spaghetti Western guitar themes and brilliant energy.
I spoke with Perry Blake from his home in Northwest Ireland, where the tranquil environment seems an ideal setting to support the creation of his contemplative musical offerings.
In Part 2 of our interview with Lunear, we get into more details about their work, and some of the challenges to getting heard.
On ‘From Above,’ their most ambitious album so far, Europe’s Lunear go even deeper into classic progressive rock sounds and concepts.
Frenchy and The Punk is the duo of Samantha Stephenson and Scott Helland, and their new track “Hypnotized” features a cool mix of melody and atmospherics.