There’s holiday blessings galore in this mix of sweet songs, with mostly inspiring messages. Featuring The Pull Of Autumn, One Grace Forever, Hem Netjer, Julian Shah-Tayler, The Bleak Assembly, and Stariana.
There’s holiday blessings galore in this mix of sweet songs, with mostly inspiring messages. Featuring The Pull Of Autumn, One Grace Forever, Hem Netjer, Julian Shah-Tayler, The Bleak Assembly, and Stariana.
“A Storm Called Ida” is first single from Martin Bisi’s album Feral Myths, and it documents the horror that New Yorkers experienced when their region was ravished by Hurricane Ida.
The Tenth Anniversary Edition of Darwin’s ‘Starfishing’ on Bandcamp offers 7 bonus tracks not found on the streamers — Spotify, Amazon, and Apple Music.
For ‘Dakini’ Lisa Hammer returns to classical forms, which in addition to blasphemous Latin tunes include ancient Indian ragas, Appalachian Folk Music, and Middle Eastern Drones.
From Producer Lisa Hammer and director Levi Wilson comes a film project based on Wilson’s childhood growing up in the Midwest as a bi-racial child. Titled ‘Luke and Emma And A Gas Station On Franklin Ave,’ the project is a proof of concept for a full-length feature film, with a goal of shooting in 2023.
This collection features a range of pop tunes, from pop punk to tender singer/songwriter tunes.
The 10-track set “Neon Ballet” by .PHNX and Roberto Montoya started initially as a song called “Polybius,” about the urban legend of government-run video game experiments