• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Soulful ‘Reverb & Seduction’ by Federale Brings Vintage Vibes (ALBUM REVIEW)

Photo of Portland's rock band Federale with album art from 'Reverb and Seduction'

By Keith Walsh
On the new album by Federale, Reverb And Seduction, heartfelt songwriting meets stylish sound making, in a satisfying ten track set that draws inspiration from classic country rock and European film soundtracks, particularly Spaghetti western and Giallo themes. The melodic sensitivity and the soulful realism of the writing and performances add up to songs that are commercially appealing without sacrificing artistry.

A six piece band working out of Portland, Oregon, Federale features Brian Jonestown Massacre bassist Collin Hegna on vocals, as well as Rick Pedrosa (pedal steel and guitar), Pat Spurgeon (drums), Jared Molyneux (guitar), Cory Gray (trumpet and piano), Ryan Lynn (guitar), Victor Franco, and Megan Diana (vocals). Featuring traditional rock instruments — guitar, bass, drums — played expertly and with lots of reverb –the sound of Reverb And Seduction reflects an appreciation of the melancholy style of Lee Hazelwood and perhaps Nick Cave, though certainly without the decadence or commitment to darkness so common to Cave’s tunes.

The presence of producer Hunter Lea playing harpsichord on two tracks (“No Strangers” and “Revolver Volver”) who worked on several Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood reissues adds another level of authenticity to the set.
The opening track “Advice From A Stranger” features melodic rock and distortion effects on the lead vocals in a psychedelic, satisfying mix.

The Video For “Advice From A Stranger” Was Created By Little Richard’s Almanac.

“Heaven Forgive Me” is a lovely song of contrition filled with sincerity and beauty, reflecting the effectiveness of a confessional approach to songwriting.

“Heaven Forgive Me” Is A Master Class Level Example Of Songwriting From The Heart

The third song “I’ll Never Forget” is a tender remembrance of a fateful first meeting, simmering with passion. A echoey layer of reverb-drenched guitars mixed down accent the wistful vocals with their message of love lost and lessons learned. “The Gallows Gate” is ironically upbeat, with Hegna’s vocals narrating the path to his protagonist’s date with justice. There’s a cinematic melody composed of a sound somewhere between an electric lead guitar and a orchestral string line. Here and elsewhere on the album, there’s a nod to the classic rock storytelling in the vein of Johnny Cash or Dion DiMucci, and It’s not only in the sincere vocals, but also in the melodic arrangements with their early country rock stylings, as well in the the twangy, shimmering guitar sounds.

“Hope You Don’t Haunt Me” evokes Lee Hazelwood in sound and sentiment, rhythm and melody. Little touches like an echoey timpani flourish in the background adds depth to an album that’s already loaded with expert production techniques. In the middle of this song, there’s a female vocal line that’s exquisitely ghostly, though it’s somewhat impossible to figure out where the actual vocal performance ends and an electronic keyboard sound begins.
“Dark Waters” is a blazing anthem with chiming guitars, a pulsing, pounding beat and the vibe of British rock from the 80s.

Gorgeous String Arrangements Bring Authenticity To The Country Rock Inspired “No Strangers.”

“No Strangers” is lilting retro roots rock song with strings beautifully arranged and orchestrated by Andrew Joslyn, while “The Worst Thing I Ever Done Was Loving You” leans heavily into Federale’s country influences, with pedal steel textures, and Jenny Don’t (of Jenny Don’t And The Spurs) joining Hegna in a familiar tale of heartache and regret. “Home” is a brightly sweet with a trumpet line by Cory Gray reflecting the wistful longing of the lyrics. “Revolver Volver” is an inspiring instrumental with a dramatic, cinematic vibe and layered instrumentation.

One of the most refreshing aspects of “Reverb and Seduction” is the sincerity of these tunes and their rejection of decadence. There’s a darkness here for sure, but it’s in the context of a quest and movement towards understanding. Sonically satisfying and thematically memorable, Reverb And Seduction is available on streamers, on Bandcamp, as well as on CD and Vinyl. Engineered by Hegna, Matt Thomson and Andrew Joslyn at Hegna’s Revolver Studios in Portland, it’s the sixth album from Federale, and it’s on Jealous Butcher Records.

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Keith Walsh is a writer based in Southern California where he lives and breathes music, visual art, theater and film.

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