• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

‘My Lower Self:’ Nick Sakes And Upright Forms’ Brilliant Rage Against Age (MUSIC VIDEO)

Nick Sakes and Upright Forms with their new single 'My Lower Self.'

By Keith Walsh
Inveterate alt rocker Nick Sakes recently launched his fifth band, Upright Forms, and their debut album Blurred Wires, showcases his powerful one two punch of guitar and vocals, while Noah Paster on bass and vocals and Shaun Westphal on drums supply exemplary support.

“My Lower Self” is the new video single from Blurred Wires, with Sakes channeling his defiance and rage against the changes that come with aging. As Sakes mentioned in our recent interview, “It’s just plain and simple. Everyone has a body. Everyone’s body falls apart. Everyone’s body betrays them and it’s just like this outrage. It goes back on its ways, you know, the body betrays. I’ve had a lot of bodily betrayals in the last couple of years.”

Upright Forms Debut Album Is Packed With Edgy, Innovative Rock And Roll

Sake’s impassioned vocals and rebelliously inventive guitar action accentuate the powerful message:

“A body betrays/Goes back on its ways/bodily/autonomy”
From “My Lower Self,” by Upright Forms

The video combines live performance with vintage medical stock video and 2024’s artificially generated trickery, in a refreshing effort that wasn’t created hastily. Upright Forms is the fourth project of Nick Sakes for SKiN GRAFT Records, and Blurred Wires is filled with aggressively creative rock and roll.

Upright Forms Dot Com
Blurred Wires Bandcamp
Upright Forms On Facebook
Upright Forms On Instagram
Skin Graft Records
Review Of ‘Blurred Wires’ At Punk Rock Beat



Keith Walsh is a writer based in Southern California where he lives and breathes music, visual art, theater and film.

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